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Top 10 German authors

Top 10 German authors

Looking at some of the top 10 German authors

Throughout history, German fiction has been the subject of countless novelists and some truly great novels from the very best German writers, going back generations. There are almost no fiction writers of their time who can match the likes of Goethe and Mann in terms of their writing. Further, Nazi terror’s actions were in direct conflict with the traditional values of a strong civil society, responsible government, and respect for human rights.

During that time, so many writers rebelled against the Nazi regime in their novels, which is why so many writers participated in such a rebellion during that time. While the Nazis tried to corrupt both German literature and the German language, the writers kept their faith and made a strong, surging recovery. Here are 10 of the very best German authors of all time.

Here is the list of the top 10 German authors.

1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1842.

Aside from being the Shakespeare of German literature, Goethe is also one of the greatest writers in Europe. If he had never written a word, he would still have been regarded as an outstanding writer with an unmatched legacy as a critic, philosopher, and civil servant. It is noteworthy that he did write, and his legacy has been immortalised by his play, Faust, but he is almost equally lauded for his novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774), as well as several other novels, and it is for his writing that he is remembered and admired for his work.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

He spent more of his life in Weimar. It took him over 60 years to write his two-part play, Faust, which is about a man who sells his soul to the devil in order to enjoy all of the things that he desires in life and then gets dragged down to Hell. We are all familiar with the plot, but even though the English writer Marlowe had written a version of the story, it was stunning in early nineteenth-century Europe, and it had a huge influence on the upcoming generation of writers—Kafka

2. Thomas Mann, 1875–1955.

His experience during both wars allowed him to observe Germany at a very crucial point in its history, at a time that was very important to it. Mann was a communist supervisor during the time of Hitler’s rise to power, when he was travelling around the country lecturing about socialism and communism. It was because of the threat of Hitler’s power that he left Germany, went to Switzerland, and finally moved to the United States.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

It was in 1952 that he returned to Switzerland, but he never returned to Germany. In addition to several popular novels, he also wrote Death in Venice, which has been made both into a film and an opera by Benjamin Britten. He also won a Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 for his novel Buddenbrooks, written in 1924.

3.Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875–1926,

Despite the fact that Rilke was an Austrian, he still counts as a German writer and is certainly claimed by Germans, despite the fact that he is strictly speaking an Austrian. Furthermore, he is much more famous as a poet (and, in fact, one of the most famous German poets). It was, however, noted that he wrote a novel titled Die Rekords des Malte Laurids Brigge that received high praise (translated as The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge).

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

It is a short novel written in high poetic style, portrayed, among other things, as a story about the prodigal son, a graphic depiction of someone dying, the joys of childhood freedom, and striking images of strange neighbours, among other things. As if to anticipate or introduce “Expressionism,” which was to take hold of European art and literature at the dawn of the 20th century, this novel certainly contributed to its success.

4. Herman Hesse, 1877–1962.

With the novels Siddhartha (1922) and Steppenwolf (1927), which both express the struggle to find meaning in life, Hermann Hesse is probably the most popular German novelist of the 20th century. When he began writing in the early part of the 20th century, he was very popular and influential among Germans, but later he became a popular international writer. He was critical of the society he lived in at the time.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

Throughout his literary career, he was very critical of society at the time. His novel Unterm Rad tells the story of a child who is under immense pressure and spirals into self-destruction as a result. He was very bold in his criticism of the political order and even the Nazis. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946 for his criticism of the Nazis.

5.Franz Kafka, 1883–1924.

During his lifetime, Kafka was a German who lived in Prague. He was a unique writer with a unique imagination and a unique prose style that made him one of the most influential novelists of all time. It is known that he was a novelist as well as a short story writer. He is most famous for the grotesque, head-spinning nature of his words, which have resulted in any writer who uses his approach or any situation that seems absurd and weird being referred to as “Kafkaesque” because his words are grotesque.”

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

As the protagonist of his novel The Trial goes round in circles, he meets weird people, enters rooms that simply lead into more rooms, just like a maze, and never gets to any destination in the novel. His other novels are equally Kafkaesque. The Metamorphasis, his best-known short story, is about a man who wakes up one morning to discover that he has turned into a giant cockroach.

6.Heinrich Boll, 1917–1985.

Among the most widely read and influential German writers, Heinrich Boll emerged after World War II. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest of all German writers. He is internationally popular as well. Perhaps his fame comes from the fact that his novels and short stories are about individuals who struggle to survive in an environment where war, political turmoil, terrorism, and economic destruction abound.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

There are several of his books in which he portrays an individual who opposes the mechanisms of the state or public institutions. A large body of his writing is attributed to the fact that he has been translated into more than thirty languages, including best-sellers such as Billiards at Half Past Nine, The Bread of Those Early Years, The Clown, The Safety Net, and a number of others. The Nobel Prize for Literature and the Geog Buchner Prize were both awarded to him.

7. Gunter Grass, 1927–2015

The German soldier Gunter Grass, who was fighting in the German army during World War II, was captured and held by the United States forces until the war ended. Following his release from the war, he worked for several companies before moving to Germany, where he studied graphics and sculpture, and it was at this point that he began writing about his wartime experiences.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

The moral fightback he led was the voice of those who had been crushed by the Nazis, and he became the voice of the people who had been crushed by the Nazis. It is best known for the novel The Tin Drum (1959), which forms the Danzig Trilogy. It consists of three novels: The Tin Drum, Cat and Mouse, and The Dog Years. In 1999, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

8.Michael Ende 1929-1995

As one of the most popular children’s authors in Germany, Ende was widely regarded as one of the best-selling. Post-war children of all generations were raised with his stories and characters, and even now, thirty years after his death, Ende is still very popular. In addition to his children’s stories, he also wrote several novels that have been adapted into movies.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

There was a strong connection between his writing and his understanding of the importance of freedom of expression and freedom of information, which was influenced by his being AWOL from the army and joining the German resistance, as well as by his artist father’s paintings being banned by the Nazis in the 1940s. Among his most famous works is The Neverending Story, which was adapted to the screen in 1980 and, later, to the animated television series that followed.

9. Patrick Suskind, 1949

Suskind is a German writer, one of the very best of all time, and one of the most popular of all time. He lives in France and finds inspiration there, where he sets many of his novels in French cities. It took him a lot of work to become a successful novelist, because, like many others who wanted to make a name for themselves, he worked tirelessly to do it.

In his own words, he wrote “short pieces of unpublished fiction and longer, unproduced screenplays.” He became famous in 1981 with his monodrama, The Double Bass. A few years later, his first novel, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, was published, and he became an internationally known name.

10. Cornelia Funke 1958

In the 1980s, Cornelia Funke began writing books for children. Over the years, her novels have been translated into many languages, and by 2020, she had sold forty million copies of her children’s books around the world. Cornelia Funke began writing in the early 1980s, and, as a social worker working with disadvantaged children, she saw an opportunity to write books for children.

Top 10 German authors
Top 10 German authors

There was a great deal of realism in her novels, which revolved around the lives of disadvantaged children. Her most acclaimed novels include The Thief Lord (2002) and Dragon Rider (2004), both of which have been adapted for film. She has also had her novels in her Inkheart series go on the New York Times Best Seller List for long periods of time.

In our opinion, these are the best German writers out there, but what do you think—is anyone left out that we should add to this list? You can comment below and let us know.

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