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Top 10 80s actors

Top 10 80s actors

Looking at some of the top 10 80s actors

After the New Hollywood era of the 1960s and ’70s, the ’80s saw the return of studio-driven productions after a decade of big hair, shoulder pads, and even bigger movies. This decade was marked by a return to studio-driven productions. A modern blockbuster was shaped during these 10 years as a result of films like E.T. The Extraterrestrial and Star Wars: The Last Battle.

It is no surprise that many actors rose to prominence during this time, much like how the decade has become closely associated with them. As reported above, these performers defined the ’80s, playing in some of the most iconic and successful pictures of the era and earning their place as Hollywood’s brightest stars.

Here is the list of the top 10 80s actors.

1.Danzel Washington

The revered performer rose to fame in the 1980s with his role in the acclaimed medical drama St. Elsewhere, which cemented his reputation as one of the greatest actors in Hollywood history. If he were nominated for an Oscar this year, Denzel Washington would cement his status as one of the greatest actors ever.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

In the following years, Washington made his way to the big screen with roles in films such as A Soldier’s Story and For Queen and Country. With his performance in Richard Attenborough’s Cry of Freedom, Washington gained his first nomination for Best Supporting Actor. He later won the award for his role in 1989’s Glory two years later.

2.Tom Hanks

In the realm of acting, few actors are as loved or respected as Tom Hanks. He is basically America’s male sweetheart, a captivating and consistent performer who never fails to deliver. In spite of the fact that Hanks’ success would not take off until the 1990s, he rose to fame in the ’80s with two films that are today considered classics.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

Hanks made his mark in the cinema in 1984 when he starred alongside Darryl Hannah in Ron Howard’s Splash, a massive box office success that made him a star. Four years later, he played his most iconic role, Josh Baskin, in Penny Marshall’s fantasy comedy Big. During the 1990s, both of these films helped Hanks establish himself as

3.Robin Williams

As well as being regarded as the best comedian of the 1980s and 1990s, Robin Williams was also an exceptionally versatile actor. He had an extraordinary talent for interpreting voices and faces, and he had a truly remarkable ability to improvise. In 1980, after making his big-screen debut with Popeye, Williams was cast in several films that received middling box office results.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

When he released Good Morning, Vietnam in 1987, a massively critically acclaimed and commercially successful film, he earned his first Oscar nomination. He went on to achieve even greater success as a result of this. After receiving a second Oscar nod for Dead Poets Society in 1989, Williams continued his success into the ’90s and into the new millennium, continuing to be a beloved figure in entertainment until his tragic passing in 2014.

4. Robert De Niro

A couple of years after beginning the 1980s, Robert De Niro won his second Oscar for the now-iconic role of Raging Bull, directed by Martin Scorsese. In 1974, De Niro was already a winner of the Oscar for his supporting role in The Godfather Part II, and he had already appeared in some of his most iconic films, including Taxi Driver and The Deer Hunter.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

As a result of films such as The King of Comedy and Once Upon a Time in America, De Niro’s career continued to flourish during the 1980s, cementing him as one of the most critically acclaimed actors of that decade. In addition, he made a name for himself by making hits such as The Untouchables and Midnight Run that were box office draws.

5.Kurt Russel

The fact is that Kurt Russell was a Disney child actor for many years in the 1960s and ’70s, but in the ’80s, he became a superstar A-lister. In 1981, when he starred in Escape from New York, Russell established himself as an action hero, beginning a long-term collaboration with the legendary writer-director John Carpenter. Russell starred later in Carpenter’s most famous movie, The Thing, followed by another action adventure in 1986, Big Trouble in Little China.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

Throughout the decade, Russell also appeared as a voice actor in Disney’s animated classic The Fox and the Hound and received critical acclaim for his supporting performance in Silkwood in 1983. He would end the decade with a third commercial success, the buddy cop comedy Tango & Cash, opposite Sylvester Stallone.

6.Jack Nicholason

There are a few other actors who have won Oscars since the 1980s, but Jack Nicholson is one of them. He won the award for his performance in 1975’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and he has appeared in many of the decade’s most iconic films, including Chinatown.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

It should be noted, however, that Jack Nicholson’s legend grew in the 1980s, when he starred in the Stephen King classic The Shining, and he later played supporting roles in Reds and Terms of Endearment, both of which earned him an Oscar nomination. He won the latter, for which he won. Furthermore, Prizzi’s Honour, Ironweed, and The Witches of Eastwick brought him critical acclaim.

As a finale to the decade, Nicholson played one of the most iconic roles in Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman film, which proved to be a massive commercial and critical success.

7.Michael Douglas

In addition to inheriting the talent from his legendary father, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas has a strong sense of humor. Although he gained critical acclaim during the ’70s and even won an Oscar for producing One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, it was in the ’80s that he rose to stardom as a result of two successful films, Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, which cemented him as a leading man.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

He played two films that have become synonymous with the 1980s as a whole: Fatal Attraction and Wall Street, one of the greatest films about money of all time. Douglas won the Academy Award for best actor in the latter film for his role as Gordon Gekko, and the actor ended the decade by reuniting with Kathleen Turner once again for Danny DeVito’s The War of the Roses, another box office smash.

8.Mel Gibson

Although Gibson is a huge topic of controversy today, there is no doubt that he was one of the most iconic figures in the ’80s. He began the decade with the sequel to The Road Warrior, Mad Max 2, and he received critical acclaim for his performance in the film The Year of Living Dangerously with Sigourney Weaver.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

After two years of a two-year break from filmmaking, Gibson returned with Lethal Weapon, a huge box office success that spawned three sequels and cemented Gibson as one of Hollywood’s greatest action stars. His greatest success, however, came in the second half of the decade, with 1985’s Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

9.Tom Cruise

There was no doubt in claiming that Tom Cruise’s rise to stardom was meteoric. The actor first came to fame in 1983 with the films Risky Business and The Outsiders, but it wasn’t until 1986 that he achieved superstardom with Top Gun and gained critical acclaim with The Colour of Money that he became an A-list celebrity.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

Cruise’s second hit in 1988 was Rain Man, which went on to be the highest-grossing movie of the year. He ended the decade by winning the Golden Globes as well as being nominated for an Oscar for his performance as the war veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July. Cruise is currently considered an icon in the action world, but it all started back in the colourful ’80s when Cruise was a kid.

10.Harrison Ford

During the 1980s, no male star managed to surpass Harrison Ford’s success. Ford was the first to succeed as Han Solo after his breakthrough role in 1977’s Star Wars. He then reprised this role in 1980’s Empire Strikes Back, followed by 1984’s Return of the Jedi. At the same time, Ford was in another major franchise, playing the now iconic role of Indiana Jones in 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. He would play Indy twice more in the 1980s.

Top 10 80s actors
Top 10 80s actors

In addition to his role in Blade Runner and Peter Wier’s The Mosquito Coast, Ford also starred in the classics Working Girl, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, and Peter Wier’s The Mosquito Coast. There are few people who remember that Ford was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in Witness back in the ’80s. He would continue to be successful into the ’90s and the new millennium, but he was arguably the greatest actor of that era.

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