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impact of lifestyle in health

impact of lifestyle in health

Hello guy’s I’m Anayatullah, and today we discuss the impact of lifestyle on health.

impact of lifestyle on health and top 13 types define of impact of lifestyle in health.
Healthy lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your health.

In the broadest sense,lifestyle refers to a way of life that is followed by people, groups,and nations and is influenced by geographical,economic, political,cultural,and religious factors. The lifestyle of a region refers to its inhabitants at a particular moment in time.
An individual’s day-to-day behaviours and functions are included in the category. This includes their job,activities, fun, and diet.

Impact of lifestyle in health

  • impact of Lifestyle in health has become increasingly important to researchers as an important factor in health. According to the World Health Organisation, 60% of health-related factors are related to lifestyle. The unhealthy lifestyle of millions of people leads to illness,disabilities,and diseases. Joint and skeletal problems,cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity,violence,and so on are often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. A lifestyle that is unhealthy is detrimental to one’s health. Lifestyle and health should be closely linked.

There have been many changes in the lives of all people over the past few years. Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption,drug abuse, stress, and so on are manifestations of unhealthy lifestyles that are used by dominant lifestyles. In addition, citizens are faced with new challenges in their daily lives. For example, the advent of new technologies within information technology,such as the internet and virtual communication networks, threatens the physical and mental health of individuals by overusing and misusing technology.

According to the existing studies,lifestyle has a significant impact on the physical and mental health of human beings. These influences can take a variety of forms. Consanguinity in certain ethnicities is a dominant form of lifestyle that contributes to genetic diseases. Reformation of this unhealthy lifestyle is the key to reducing the rate of genetic diseases.

Taking too many medications is considered a major unhealthy lifestyle in some countries. Iran is among the 20 countries in the world that use the most medication,prefer medication to other interventions,and also uses medication without prescription 1540% of the time. Pain relievers,eye drops,and antibiotics are among the most common medications used in Iran.

The adverse effects of self-medication,such as antibiotics,will not be effective in treating infection if the individual is affected by infection. Overall, 10 percent of those who self-medicate will experience severe complications such as drug resistance. In some cases, severe drug allergies can result in death.

impact of lifestyle in health
impact of lifestyle in health

The top 13 types definne the impact of lifestyle in health.

1.Diet and body mass index (BMI)

impact of lifestyle in health
impact of lifestyle in health

Diet is the most important factor in lifestyle and has a direct and positive relationship with health. Poor diets and their consequences,such as obesity, are commonly encountered in urban environments. The BMI can be used to measure an unhealthy lifestyle. urban as eating fast food and eating poor food,resulting in cardiovascular diseases.

2.sexual behaviour

The importance of normal sexual relations cannot be overstated. Dysfunction in the sex relationship is a major problem in most societies,and it adversely affects both mental and physical health. The dysfunctional nature of sex relationships may contribute to a variety of family problems or sexually related illnesses, such as AIDS.

3.medication abuse

As a common form of medication use in Iran, it is considered an unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy behaviours in utilising medication are defined as:self-treatment,sharing medication, and using medication without a prescription. prescribing many drugs, prescribing large quantities of each drug, prescribing unnecessory drugs,poor handwriting in prescriptions,disregarding contradictory drugs,disregarding harmful effects,and failing to explain drug effects

4.substance abuse

  • As a common form of medication use in Iran, it is considered an unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy behaviours in utilising medication are defined as:self-treatment,sharing medication, and using medication without a prescription. prescribing many drugs, prescribing large quantities of each drug, prescribing unnecessory drugs,poor handwriting in prescriptions,disregarding contradictory drugs,disregarding harmful effects,and failing to explain drug effects


The continuous exercise,along with a healthy diet, Several studies have been conducted on the relationship between an active lifestyle and happiness.

impact of lifestyle in health
impact of lifestyle in health


Healthy living begins with sufficient sleep. Sleep disorders have several social,psychological, economic,and health-related consequences. Lifestyle may affect sleep,and sleep has a direct influence on mental and physical well-being.

7.Application of modern technologies

It is true that advanced technology facilitates the lives of humans. However, the misuse of technology may result in unwanted consequences. For example,using computers or other devices until midnight could adversely affect sleep patterns and disturb sleep patterns.
Addiction to mobile phone use is associated with depression symptoms.


A leisure activity is a component of a healthy lifestyle. Neglecting leisure can have negative consequences for a person’s health. Disorganised planning and unhealthy leisure put a person’s health at risk.

Including study in your lifestyle may lead to greater physical and mental health. For example,dementia,such as Alzheimer’s disease, has a lower prevalence among educated people,and studies could slow the progression of the disease.

10.Low water intake

Approximately 80% of the water that makes up an adult human is water, which is why getting enough water each day is essential for the normal function of every organ,cell,and tissue in our bodies. The recommended daily intake of water is 6 to 8 glasses, at 1 ounce each. Most individuals can be satisfied with six glasses, but if you are physically active,you may need eight glasses.

10.Low water intake
Low water intake

11.Dry mouth and breath

When you are dehydrated,your mouth becomes dry and sticky,the salivary glands do not produce enough sliva,and you do not have any antibacterial action,which can result in dry mouth and bad breath. Additionally, a lack of saliva causes plaque to build up on the surface of your teeth. As a result, your mouth’s pH levels decrease.

12.kidney stone

impact of lifestyle in health
impact of lifestyle in health

A lower fl uid ntake,particularly water, increases the likelihood of kidney stone formation. Chronic dehydration is a significant risk factor for kidney stones. Long-term dehydration causes a decrease in urine volume and an increase in urine supersaturations. As a result of inadequate hydration,kidney stones are formed when salt crystals accumulate in masses without being drained.

13.Urinary tract infection

During the hot summer months,when most people do not drink enough water,urinary tract infections,or UTIs, are common among women. In addition to quenching your thirst,drinking a lot of water can reduce your chances of developing a UTI. We assist in flushing out UTI-causing germs by drinking a significant amount of water during the summer because, in summer, we sweat more,so our bodies require more hydration in any form of fluid.


Whenever your body does not have enough water,your large intestine absorbs water from your dietary waste. You will experience hard-to-pass, firm stools as a consequence. If you do not drink enough water,you may suffer from constipation,firm stools,abdominal pain, and cramping,and the colon contains water receptors that draw water from the body in order to soften the stools.

impact of lifestyle in health
impact of lifestyle in health

15.Dul skin and dry hair

A person will become dehydrated if they lose more water than they consume. either due to inadequate hydration or excessive sweating. Dry skin can result in problems like itching,dullness,under-eye circles,deep-eyedness,and more.
Pronounced fine wrinkles. Vitamins and hydration are essential to healthy hair. If you are dehydrated, your body will divert moisture to more important processes,leaving your hair to fend for itself.

So finally, we have completed all discussions about the impact of lifestyle in health. I hope you will better understand impact of lifestyle in health.

Contact us for more ideas on the impact of lifestyle in health. We are able to provide you with less expensive methods for achieving your goals.

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