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10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

Looking some at 10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

The majority of us are aware that eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. Now scientists have identified a number of foods that have been classified as super foods because they not only promote good health but also improve kidney health.

First, we need to understand oxidation and free radicals so that we can understand why they are called super foods. Oxidation is a normal bodily process that produces energy and is part of a number of chemical changes within our bodies. However, it can also produce molecules known as free radicals. A free radical is an unstable molecule that bounces around your body, damaging proteins, genes, and cell membranes. Free radicals are believed to contribute to ageing and many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

There is good news: super foods contain antioxidants that help neutralise free radicals. Even in relatively small amounts, antioxidants can help slow or stop free radical oxidation. Flavonoids, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene are some examples of antioxidants.

Here is the list of 10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

Superfoods for your kidneys

It is important to know that there are many super foods, including those containing antioxidants and other health-supporting properties, included in the kidney diet if you are on dialysis or suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk are higher for people with kidney disease than for those without kidney disease. If you have kidney disease, it’s important that you consult a renal dietitian and follow a kidney diet. Including super foods in your kidney diet can help you increase your intake of nutrients and antioxidants.

The following are the top 10 superfoods that can help you maintain good kidney health. These superfoods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease, so you’ll be helping your entire family achieve good health by incorporating them into your diet.

1. Red bell peppers

Since red bell peppers are low in potassium, they are an excellent choice for those who are concerned about kidney health. As well as adding colour and flavour to any dish, they contain a generous amount of vitamin A, C, B6, folic acid, and fibre, as well as antioxidant lycopene, which provides protection against certain types of cancer.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

Adding red bell peppers to your diet is easy if you are following the kidney diet. You can mix them into tuna or chicken salads or eat them raw with dip. Roasted, they can be used to top sandwiches and salads. Use them in egg dishes, such as scrambled eggs or omelettes, or add them to kabobs that are grilled, or stuff them with ground beef or turkey to make delicious baked dishes.


As a cruciferous vegetable, crunchy cabbage is packed with phytochemicals, a type of chemical compound found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. It is thought that phytochemicals are effective in fighting cancer and supporting cardiovascular health.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

You can add inexpensive cabbage to your diet because it is also high in vitamins K and C, high in fibre, a good source of vitamin B6, and folic acid, yet it is low in potassium, so it makes a particularly good addition to your kidney diet.

In order to add cabbage to the dialysis diet, you could prepare coleslaw or use it as a topping for fish tacos. You can boil, steam, or microwave cabbage, then top it with butter or cream cheese and a sprinkle of pepper or caraway seeds. Also available are cabbage rolls and stuffed cabbage, which are nutritious meals.

3.Red grapes

Grapes obtain their colour from a number of flavonoids. These are beneficial to your heart as they help prevent oxidation and reduce blood clot formation. One flavonoid in grapes, resveratrol, may improve blood flow by boosting nitric oxide production, which relaxes muscles in blood vessels. Flavonoids are also believed to prevent inflammation and protect against cancer.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

When selecting grapes with red or purple skin, opt for those with the highest flavonoid content. Eat grapes as a snack and freeze them if you are on a fluid-restricted diet. Add grapes to fruit salads or chicken salads, or drink grape juice.


In addition to fish, both the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association recommend including fish twice a week in your diet as a high-quality source of protein. In addition to providing a great source of protein, fish contains anti-inflammatory fats, known as omega-3s. These healthy fats help to prevent diseases, including cancer and heart disease. They are also capable of lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol).

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

In terms of omega-3s, salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, herring, and rainbow trout are the types of fish that contain the greatest levels.

5.Olive oil

According to research, people in countries where olive oil is used more frequently than other types of oils are less likely to develop cancer and heart disease. The beneficial properties of olive oil are thought to have been attributed to its many good components, such as oleic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory fatty acid that prevents oxidation, and polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and prevent inflammation.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

The latest research indicates that virgin and extra-virgin olive oils contain a greater number of antioxidants than other oils. Olive oil can be used in cooking as well as for salad dressings, as a dip for bread, and as a marinade for vegetables.


There are several benefits to eating garlic, including reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol. It also has anti-clotting and antioxidant properties (cooking garlic will not affect its antioxidant properties but will reduce its anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory properties).

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

Using garlic powder instead of garlic salt will add flavour to your meals without adding additional sodium if you are following the dialysis diet. In addition to meats and vegetables, garlic can be used in a variety of dishes, such as tomato sauce. Once you start cooking with garlic, you will wonder how you did without it previously.


In addition to onions, a number of other foods are commonly seasoned with them. Onions contain flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fats in blood vessels and add pigmentation (colour) to plants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce heart disease and protect against various forms of cancer.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

With a low potassium content, onions are not only kidney-friendly, but they also contain chromium, a mineral that aids in the metabolism of fat, proteins, and carbohydrates. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked in a variety of ways.


It has been proven that cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) by making the urine more acidic and preventing bacteria from attaching to the bladder. They have also been demonstrated to protect against cancer and heart disease.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

While cranberries are commonly associated with the holiday season, cranberry juice can also be enjoyed daily as a source of added nutrition. You can also toss a handful of dried cranberries into your cereal or salad for an added boost of antioxidants.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidant compounds called anthocyanidins, which give them their blue color. They also contain manganese, which contributes to bone health. In addition to natural compounds that reduce inflammation, blueberries also contain vitamin C, fibre, and vitamin D, which contribute to good health.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

Whether you choose to top your morning cereal with blueberries, make a fruit smoothie, or bake a dessert containing blueberries, such as muffins and crisps, blueberries are sure to please.


There are a number of kidney-friendly super foods, including cauliflower, which is one of them. This cruciferous vegetable is full of vitamin C, folate, and fibre, as well as compounds that help your liver eliminate toxins.

10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy
10 superfoods to keep your kidneys healthy

There are several ways to serve cauliflower, including eating it raw with dips or in salads, cooking it, seasoning it, and turning it into a great side dish. Cauliflower can even be mashed as a dialysis-friendly replacement for mashed potatoes.


If you have chronic kidney disease or are concerned about the health of somebody else’s kidneys, these 10 super foods for kidney health should be at the top of your shopping list. Ask your renal dietitian for assistance in including these foods in your kidney-friendly meal plans. When buying fruits and vegetables, get the freshest ones you can find, and be sure to include a variety because some are rich in one nutrient while others are rich in others. In the event that you are able to only find fruits at their peak, the flavour may be diminished, but you will still benefit from their nutritional value for your kidneys.

Contact us for more information. We are able to provide you with less expensive methods for achieving your goals.

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